Sunday, September 14, 2008

Religion or Torture?

It is very depressing to know that there are some people who would go to any extent in the name of religion. I am not singling out any one religion at this point of time, there is fanaticism in every religion, but a recent incident was what made me think so deeply about it.
I had only heard of Thaipoosam- I knew it was a Hindu festival widely celebrated in the South East Asian Countries. Little did I know what really happened during the festival!
I saw people who had imposed self-torture. They passed sharp objects, considered holy and revere, through their cheeks and tongues. Many had taken the vow, not knowing what they were setting foot into and were not able to bear the pain. I am sensitive by nature, though many prefer to term me “over-sensitive”, and these sights really made me feel miserable. I fought back my tears, but apparently, I did not do a good job of it, as I was noticed and questioned about my gloomy mood. Not able to bear it any longer, I broke down when I was questioned. I confessed, and I was advised to take life more easily and to be tough because there was a lot more to life than appalling sights. I realized this was true. I was consoled, by all my near and dear, and I calmed myself.
I wondered where our world was going. On one hand we talk about globalization, and on the other we still believe in such antiquated superstitions?
Here again, I hope you are not getting a wrong picture of me; I’m not an atheist, only agnostic, but yes I am not superstitious. I pray in my own way, I don’t like to be forced to adopt certain ways of praying. These are the times I feel that the Indian Government is too lenient with their rules. Every citizen has a right to practice their choice of religion and anything in the name of religion cannot be questioned, may it be self-torture or blaring megaphones!
Besides this, we have old-fashioned people who believe in fasting whether they are diabetic, or have high blood pressure. They really think they would go directly to heaven if they do such things. I don’t mean to be discourteous, but doing such things would definitely send them somewhere, but I have my own doubts whether that would be heaven! Fasting is an excellent practice, no arguments, but it has its own dos and don’ts.
It is time we get more practical. It is time we think. It is time we are avant-garde.